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Reach out to our communications team with requests for interviews, additional materials, or background information. We’re always happy to talk about data clean rooms and secure data collaboration!
Decentriq featured by BCG as one of the New Tech Tools in Data Sharing
Decentriq wins "Startup" category at eco:// award 2020
Decentriq partners with Swisscom, Credit Suisse, Mobiliar, PostFinance & the City of Zürich
Decentriq raises $3.8 million in newest seed funding round
Preisgekrönt in die Post-Cookie-Ära
Cookieless Future – PostFinance richtet die Marketingstrategie neu aus
The Hottest Startups in Zurich in 2024
Data: Les Echos Le Parisien Médias concilie first-party et privacy-first avec Decentriq
Data clean room: Les Echos Le Parisien Médias s’allie avec Decentriq
Les Echos-Le Parisien Médias noue un partenariat avec Decentriq