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Reach out to our communications team with requests for interviews, additional materials, or background information. We’re always happy to talk about data clean rooms and secure data collaboration!
Decentriq closes $15 million Series A funding to enable secure and compliant data collaboration for every organization via data clean rooms
Product Update: Data Clean Rooms v2.0 now available on the Decentriq platform
Decentriq featured by Business Insider as one of the hottest tech companies helping ad targeting in consumer privacy era
Decentriq joins ESA Business Incubation Centre Switzerland
ZHAW publishes paper on cloud concerns with trusted execution environments
Decentriq announces partnership with customer data platform Zeotap
ID-Anbieter vernetzen sich weiter im Programmatic-Ökosystem
Compliant collaborations on sensitive health data
Utiq noue une alliance technologique avec Decentriq pour renforcer la sécurité des données
Decentriq y Utiq se unen para ofrecer privacidad y seguridad de datos de extremo a extremo en marketing digital
Informatique confidentielle: Datavant collabore avec le suisse Decentriq pour le partage confidentiel de données de santé
Goldbach validates first-party data using panel data from Intervista